You have filed your social security disability appeal. Now what?

Your main focus regarding your appeal should now be to continue your medical treatment while advising your attorney of any new treatment, new doctors, or new diagnoses. Also, notify us of any changes in your condition. We will continue securing your medical records and submitting them to Social Security.

Any time after you have submitted your appeal, the caseworkers at Social Security may either find you to be disabled or may deny you a second time. If you are denied again, we would file a request for a hearing, and we would continue securing and submitting your medical records until five business days before your hearing. That is the deadline at which all information must be submitted to the judge.

Information that does not get submitted before the deadline may not be considered by the judge. It is therefore imperative that you provide us with updated information in a timely manner. Watch the video to learn more.

If you have been injured in the course of your employment and you have additional questions, call us at 609-771-8611. I welcome your call. Review our media library on our website at to learn more about workers’ compensation.